Score the quality of your Value Proposition.

Now you can check how well you’ve written your value proposition with the unique 6 Elements Scorecard.
The scorecard steps you through a review of your Value Proposition and creates a simple to understand report scoring your Value Proposition. You can run a scorecard as many times as you like and check the quality of an unlimited number of Value Propositions.
Report Includes:
- Top line single page Scorecard – visualising a score per Box
- Interactive links to see detailed feedback per Box
- Expert suggestions on how to improve each box to an ‘Excellent’ score
- Reference case studies of an ‘Excellent’ example of each box
- Full report & scoring on the logic and clarity of the overall Value Proposition
- Links to video tutorials on each of the blocks for added assistance
- Guidance on how to review each box with 12 questions
- Analysis and scoring of the Stakeholder Value Chain in a B2B project
- Reference B2B case study with an example of an ‘Excellent’ B2B Value Chain
Total time to review and produce the above report 10 minutes
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